About the journal

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Brief information about the journal

“Perm University Herald. ECONOMY” is a peer-reviewed scientific journal published by the Faculty of Economics of Perm State University.

The main purpose of the journal is to present the latest theoretical and scientific practical results of the studies by Russian and foreign scholars in the field of today’s economic knowledge and to promote them to Russian and the world scientific space in a form of highly qualified scientific publications.

Sections of the journal:

- Economic Theory; 
- Economic-mathematical Modeling; 
- Regional and Municipal Economy; 
- Economics and Organisation of Industrial Enterprises, Branches and Complexes Management; 
- Current Issues of Accounting, Auditing and Economic Analysis.

“Perm University Herald. ECONOMY” is a peer-reviewed scientific journal published four times a year.

Original scientific articles are submitted to the journal in the Russian and English languages.

The periodical is in the list of the leading peer-reviewed scientific journals and periodicals recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation, where the results of scientific research required for getting the scientific degrees of Candidate of Sciences and Doctor of Sciences (PhD) on the branch of science 08.00.00 (Economic Sciences) must be published.

The journal is indexed in the following electronic recourses: the national information-analytical system “Russian Index of Scientific Citation” (RISC); ElectronicLibrarySystemIPRBooks; Open Access Scientific Library “Cyberleninka”; National digital resource of Rukont; EBSCO Publishing; Electronic Library System “University Library Online”; Electronic library system of the publishing house “Lan’”; Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory.


Chief Editor
Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor
Miroliubova Tatyana

Deputy Chief Editor
Doctor of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor
Bazueva Elena

Executive Editor
Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor
Kovaleva Tatyana

The founder and publisher: Perm State University.